Greetings Midweek-Manna Fans, We are moving our venue to Wooddale Church. Midweek-Manna will still meet on Thursday nights, however we will be moving the time up to 7pm. The room we are meeting in is TBD, but we will be meeting in the wing that 20-Somethings meets in near the 283/285 room.
Our study will be a week-to-week study, so you can join anytime, or miss a week and won't disrupt the continuity of the study. We hope you can make it and hope you bring some friends!
Our first study will be on Thursday October 31st at 7:30pm at the Dunn Bros. Freight House location on 3rd Ave S. in Minneapolis.
{Small Group Study Overview}
the small group discussions will be planned one month in advance so that students can prepare ahead of time as well as plan for weeks they may not be able to attend.the outline is flexible and may be changed.questions will be provided to supplement the multimedia component and will aid as a bible study tool for students.views and opinions of the multimedia content are not necessarily the views and opinions of Wooddale or the individuals leading the groups, but serve to challenge students in getting in the Word and searching for God’s Truth about relevant topics that they face on a daily basis.links for the current week’s media will be active the week that it is part of the study.most podcasts can be found online at iTunes or the respective church’s website.
Week 1 (October 31st).Who is Jesus Christ?Why did God send Him to the World, and what part does he have in my life?What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus Christ?How should being a follower of Jesus change the way I live?
Media:Easter at Mars Hill, The Trinity: God Is; Mark Driscoll-Mars Hill Church; Podcast and Vintage Jesus: What Difference Jesus Made in History; Mark Driscoll; Podcast
Key Scripture Verses: John 1,; Matthew 1; Luke 2, Matthew 16 Questions/Discussion Topics:
a. According toJohn 1, when where did Jesus come from?
b. From whom, genealogically, did Jesus come from ancestrally?
c. Why would it be significant that Jesus had a certain heritage?
d. Is it really that significant that people dismiss Jesus as being God and being man?
e. What’s the deal with having a personal relationship with God, and why through Jesus?
Week 2.How do I know I am saved?The Bible says that we are saved through accepting Jesus into our lives and asking Him to be our Lord and Savior.What is grace?What is faith?Can I be sure that Christ has forgiven all my sins?
Media:Religion Saves and 9 Other Misconceptions: Faith and Works; Mark Driscoll; Podcast; Jesus & Salvation; Kent Dobson-Mars Hill Bible Church; Podcast
Key Scripture Verses: Romans 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Acts 2, 15
Questions/Discussion Topics:
a. Driscoll’s sermon series is titled, Religion Saves, and 9 Other Misconceptions, why is it a misconception and what is the underlying supposition Driscoll is making?
b. In Acts 2:21 Luke writes, “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”Is this merely a verbal declaration or is there something else that takes place in the proclamation of Christ is Lord!
c. Acts 15:11 talks of a Grace that comes from God through faith in Jesus Christ…what does this mean for you, in your life?
d. Romans 10:10 says, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved”…has your heart believed and have you made a personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ?How does your life exhibit that your heart believes and that the confession of your mouth is true? If you would like to talk with someone about beginning a personal relationship with Jesus Christ please talk with one of the leaders or fellow college students about this.
e. Read: Ephesians 2:8; John 3:16, 3:36, 5:24, 6:40, and 1 John 5:11.What are some of the attributes of God that are spoken about in these verses?Which one of these attributes is most important to you?Why?
f. Read Romans 8:38-39.This is one of the most powerful verses in the whole New Testament.How does this hope impact the way you want to live your life?
Week 3.A new creation in Christ?What should the life of a believer look like?What kinds of ramifications are there for my relationships?Can I still party and drink alcohol?Can I watch rated R movies or stay out late past mid-night?What kind of lifestyle is God asking me to lead anyway? Media:Grace and Peace; Rob Bell; Podcast and Jesus Wants to Save Christians; Rob Bell; Podcast and A Life Poured Out; John Ortberg-Mars Hill Bible Church; Podcast
Key Scripture Verses:Romans 6, 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; 2 Corinthians 2:18, 5:18; 1 Peter 1 Questions/Discussion Topics:
a. The title for the chapter of Romans 6 is, “Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ” what does it mean to be ‘Alive in Christ?’
b. It seems kind of odd that Rob calls his sermon, Jesus Wants to Save Christians…doesn’t being a Christian presuppose that you are saved?
c. In 1 Corinthians 6:12 Paul says, ‘ “Everything is permissible for me”—but not everything is beneficial’ what is Paul getting at here?Does Paul really mean ‘everything?’
d. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 talks about life in Christ as a race, what kinds of things do you think he would include in the ‘training’ that he speaks of?
e. Ortberg talks about a life that is ‘poured out’ which could be likened to the word submitted, do you know people in your life that live a life that is characterized as poured out or submitted to Christ?What characteristics epitomize this kind of lifestyle?
Week 4.What is the ‘body of Christ?’Now that I am a believer, what am I suppose to contribute to the church?What is stewardship?What if I don’t have money?Do I really have to help the poor?What is servant hood anyway?
Media:Stewardship: God Gives; Mark Driscoll;Podcast Key Scripture Verses: Matthew 25:14-30 Questions/Discussion Topics:
a. What does Mark Driscoll say about stewardship?What are we suppose to give as Christians?To Whom?
b. If you don’t have an abundance of money what are other God-given gifts that you could submit to God’s service?
c. In Mark 12 there is a story written about the widow’s offering.This story talks about the principal of sacrificial giving… what might this look like in today’s society?What might God be calling you to sacrifice as part of the body of Christ?
This wraps up the first month’s schedule for Midweek-Manna.We will post the next month’s outline during the Week 4.Stay tuned to the Midweek-Manna blog to keep up to speed on the current schedule and questions.
Hey guys this is Cullen, I know some of you know me and most of you have probably received an email or two from me but I would like to formally introduce myself...
I am in my last year at Northwestern and I too am "fixing to get hitched", just not to Kristofer. I am 22 and from La Crosse WI and I spent my freshman year in New Zealand with Capernwray Bible Schools. I played football at Northwestern and enjoy adventures of all kinds. Snowboarding, Hunting and Motorcycles are some of my favorite hobbies. I have lots of good stories and hope you do too... See you soon.
My name is Amy and I’m engaged to Kristofer. J We’re “fixin’to get hitched” (straight out of Kristofer’s mouth) on November 22, 2008. I’m twenty-five and I work in St. Paul at Children’s Home Society and Family Services and I live in Minneapolis. I moved here a year ago after living in Germany for two years after college. Kristofer and I met at TaylorUniversity in Indiana and it was love at first sight (well, maybe only on my part). College life is great and post-college life is great too!!!!! Live it up each day.
Welcome to Mid-Week Manna, your source for weekly nourishment.
Mid-Week Manna is a ministry of Wooddale Churchand was created to foster a community in which college and university students in the Twin Cities area can find solid biblical teaching and intentional community in an environment that is encouraging, rejuvenating, and uplifting.. Mid-Week Manna meets weekly in a small-group setting. Weekly meetings include a time of worship, a short devotional, and a study of current and relevant topics approached from a biblical worldview.
We're happy you've checked out our blog, and hope you'll get connected and journey with us on the adventure. Mid-Week Manna will meet at four different campuses in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and will be lead by a team of college and post-college young adults. The teaching will be the same at each location and will meet at a time that corresponds the the schedules of those in that community. Keep posted to the site as we will be disclosing when pilot meetings for these small groups will be.